Automate set up of first Active Directory DC with powershell

In my lab, I often have the need to quickly set up various servers from scratch. One type of server is an Active Directory Domain Controller. So I slapped together a simple script to completely automate (light touch) the process of setting up a complete AD DC in a new forest. I also did the…

Get Network card driver version remotely


Share folder with PowerShell


Start SCCM WSUS IIS pool with PowerShell

Some times the WSUS server on SCCM can stop. If the WSUSPool in IIS Application pools is stopped, WSUS will not function and SCCM will not update any clients. In anticipation of further troubleshooting, here is a workaround script to check the Application Pool and start it if it is not running. This script can…

Get Dell ambient temperature in powershell


Fun tip about powershell. You can pipe to the clipboard


Get last logged on user with PowerShell



Find SMTP addresses using ActiveDirectory module in PowerShell


How to get server core to always start with powershell on login

::server core always start with powershell ::in cmd type:

#After entering powershell, type (or if lazy = ‘copy’ + ‘paste’)

Now you will automatically have powershell open as the shell at logon.

Enable remote desktop using Powershell