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<# .SYNOPSIS Create a folder, share it and set permissions for several users or groups .DESCRIPTION Create a folder, share it and set permissions for several users or groups .NOTES File Name : Create-Share.ps1 Author : Jan Ryen (jan@janryen.com) Copyright 2019 - Jan Ryen #> # Which directory do you want the shared folder to be created in $pathname = "D:\Shares" # What is the name of the folder to be created and shared $foldername = "TestFolder" # Set path to be used in Set-Acl $fullpath = "$pathname\$foldername" # Create folder New-Item $fullpath –type directory #Create share and share permissions New-SmbShare -Name "$foldername" -Path $fullpath -CachingMode None -FullAccess "Everyone" #remove NTFS ACL inheretance and leave inherited permissions in place #icacls.exe $fullpath /inheritance:d $acl = Get-Acl $fullpath $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$true) $acl | Set-Acl $fullpath #Purge unwanted User Permissions # usually a good idea to get rid of CREATOR OWNER and BUILTIN\Users $acl = Get-Acl $fullpath $usersid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.Ntaccount ("CREATOR OWNER") $acl.PurgeAccessRules($usersid) $acl | Set-Acl $fullpath $acl = Get-Acl $fullpath $usersid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.Ntaccount ("BUILTIN\Users") $acl.PurgeAccessRules($usersid) $acl | Set-Acl $fullpath #Define inheretance $InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit -bor [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit $PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None $acType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow #foreach $fullControllUsers = "TEST\user1", "TEST\group1" $modifyUsers = "TEST\group2", "TEST\group3", "TEST\group4" foreach ($item in $fullControllUsers) { # add FullControl users $acl = Get-Acl $fullpath $AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($item,"FullControl", $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $acType) $acl.SetAccessRule($AccessRule) $acl | Set-Acl $fullpath } foreach ($item in $modifyUsers) { # add Modify users $acl = Get-Acl $fullpath $AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($item, "Modify", $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $acType) $acl.SetAccessRule($AccessRule) $acl | Set-Acl $fullpath } #check what we have now Get-Acl $fullpath | Format-Table -Wrap |